What's the Herb?

What's the Herb?
A growing reference, glossary & platform of discovery in regards to herbs & science.
Love + Light + Efficacy.
a concept of a source of power and resources that are available within all humans, which draw on feminine and spiritual approaches to introspection.
a well of replenishing and provocative force to the woman who does not fear its revelation, nor succumb to the belief that sensation is enough.
Audre Lorde makes a distinction between the erotic and pornography, stating in the essay that "pornography is a direct denial of the power of the erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography emphasizes sensation without feeling.”
The etymology of the erotic comes from the Greek word eros, which Audre Lorde describes as "the personification of love in all its aspects.”
“The erotic is a measure between the beginnings of our sense of self and the chaos of our strongest feelings. It is an internal sense of satisfaction to which, once we have experienced it, we know we can aspire.” - Audre Lorde
by Max Ehrmann
I journeyed from university to university, and I saw everywhere the past rebuilt before the eyes of young men and young women - Egypt, Greece, Rome; language, architecture, laws - saw the earth and sky explained, and the habits of the body -
Everywhere chairs of this and that, largely endowed.
But nowhere saw I a chair of the human heart.